Should you get fat?

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I'm obsessed with fat things because one it's funny and two I can't help it. I'm fat and my belly is big so I created this quiz to figure out do I need to gain weight or lose it.

This would usually be made by A.L.Singh but I'm switching my name to CatLover. I hope you understand and take this quiz multiple times. Have fun with the quiz!

Created by: CatLover
  1. Do you love your belly?
  2. Are you skinny or fat (Be honest)?
  3. How often do you exercise?
  4. Is your breast/nipples big?
  5. Does your belly jiggle when you walk, jump or slap/poke it?
  6. Do you play with your belly all the time like you pretend it's alive?
  7. Is your belly very velvety?
  8. What do people think about your amazing belly?
  9. Do you have a muffin top and is it big?
  10. Does your belly spill onto your lap?

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Quiz topic: Should I get fat?

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