should you do a pokemon nuzlocke

Are you tired of the pokemon games being too easy. Take this quiz and see if you should do a nuzlocke. Answer honestly for the best results rememeber lying can hurt you only.

for those who don't know a nuzlucke is a pokemon challenge. the rules are, if your pokemon faints its dies, you can only catch the first pokemon in every new area, and you have to nickname your pokemon (you dont have to it justs make it sadder if they faint. rules dont apply till you get pokeballs. (and for shinies no of this applies).

Created by: Ben
  1. How often do your pokemon faint?
  2. You rival attacks you, but your team is low on health what do you do?
  3. You're pokemon faints. (sad) what do you do.
  4. Do you like your pokemon?
  5. easy question. you get to choose your starter. (if you dont do the 1-3 grass,4-6 fire,7-9,water, 0 you choose) who do you pick?
  6. You win a major battle. what do you do?
  7. your pokemon is at low heath, but your opponents pokemon is weak to you what do you do
  8. which gen will you do?
  9. How do you like this quiz(no effect)
  10. this quiz is over(no effect)

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Quiz topic: Should I do a pokemon nuzlocke

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