Should You Date Justin Bieber?

There are girls all over the world saying "I should date Justin B." But some of them are wrong. Do you have what it takes to be JB's next gf? Take the quiz and find out.

Take the quiz if you dare to find out if you're gonna be Mrs. Bieber. But if you fail sorry you should rate it and take it over and over and over again till you win.

Created by: valeria
  1. Do you like Justin biebers music?
  2. What dose Justin Bieber like in a girl?
  3. Why should yo date him?
  4. What's his shoes size?
  5. Do you know all his songs?
  6. How old are you
  7. Have you ment him ( tell the truth it won't help your score on the test if you lie ).
  8. What's your gender?
  9. Are you nice ( tell the truth don't lie it won't help)?
  10. Are you goth

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Quiz topic: Should I Date Justin Bieber? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Justin Bieber Quiz category.