should u own a horse?

there are many smart horse people out there who think they're ready to own a horse but is it true? think about it. are u one of those people who thinks there're ready to own a horse but aren't

are YOU one of those people who knows everything about horses and feels like they were born to have a horse. well are you? just think about having a horse can you picture you owning a horse?

Created by: hannah delvecchio
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would u keep your horse
  2. how long have u been involved with horses
  3. say your horse got last place in a competition how would u react?
  4. what would u do ig your horse bolted?
  5. how much time would u spend with your horse
  6. why do u want a horse
  7. what is your favorite discipline
  8. what is your favorite riding style
  9. where would u like to ride
  10. how experienced are u

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