Shipper or ripper part 3

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Can you guys belive it? I didn't do any aphmau ships! I guess ever since watching tadc I've just gone off aphmau. Doesn't mean the role play is gonna stop. Anyway read 2nd paragraph. Also, I'm going back to school soon! Noooooooooo!!

Realistic teeth bubble: *escapes the abstraction hole* I'm back! Everyone. *Screams* normal bubble. Oh, hey cuz. Rt bubble. Hey. (I'm so confused.) Ragatha. Same

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Gangle X Jax (personally I don't ship this but I did see some fan art of it and it was so cute!)
  2. Pomni X Jax (I don't ship this either)
  3. Pomni X ragatha (I ship dis 1)
  4. Caine X Pomni
  5. Pomni X gummigoo (ship)
  6. Jax X Zooble (hell nah)
  7. Zooble X Gangle (I don't ship this one, but if it was Canon, I probably would, all the way (wait is it canon?).).
  8. Ragatha X Jax (ew)
  9. Caine X moon (ship)
  10. Kinger X Queenie (she was his wife before da abstraction.)
  11. Caine X bubble (I kinda ship dis)
  12. Jax X himself (ship)

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