sheshan's wwe quiz

There are any smart people,but few true geniuses. geius is,after all,quite exceptional.what is a genius? A genius is some one who has a extrordinarily clever mind,just answer these wwe quiz

Are you a genius? Do you have the brain power toqualify for that prestigious title?untill now you could only wonder.but thanks for this great quiz,in just a few minutes you will find out.just answer these quiz...

Created by: sheshan bhas---ha
  1. Who is the first wwe royal rumber winner?
  2. What is the nick name of wwe shane mcmahon?
  3. Who is the youngest wwe divas champion ever?
  4. Who is the second wwf european champion?
  5. What is the main event at unforgiven 2003?
  6. Who is help Al Snow to win wwf hardcore championship against the big boss man?
  7. Who Returned to the wwe ring in 2013 after 3years of his resigning?
  8. Who is the first wwf hardcore champion ever?
  9. Who is the greatest wwe women champion of all time?
  10. What is the weapon of Finaly?
  11. Who is the 2004 royal rumble winner?
  12. What is the meaning of wwf?

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