shannon is amazing

There are many lucky people, but only few lucky enough to know me well and appreciate me. I hope you are one of those lucky people!true, i am amazing, and i know u want to be like me, but you cant, because you are you. and im sorry for that.

do you know me well?? well if u dont, i know u want to! so dont screw this up!true, i am amazing, and i know u want to be like me, but you cant, because you are you. and im sorry for that.

Created by: shannon
  1. what was my goal when i was 16?
  2. Why was I on the news when I was 18?
  3. whose lead singer's spit did i lick off myself at a concert?
  4. What did I do when I hosted a local TV show?
  5. What am i known to do when something is REALLY funny?
  6. What drink turns me into a total whore? (no, 'all of the above' is not an option)
  7. How many one night stands have I had?
  8. What movie am I more likely to enjoy?
  9. What am I known to do at a bar?
  10. What color clothes will u see me wearing in a club?

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