By: Opalseeker -
Created: -
These are all wings of fire-based quizzes. They aren't my favorite quizzes, but I feel like organizing them.
2 quizzes in this set
Wings of Fire Love Story prt 1 (Girls)
[published: Mar 02, 2023, 4 comments]This is a love quiz about your dragon from your tribe at JADE MOUNTAIN. You can be a……
Your WoF Pantala hybrid!
[published: Feb 28, 2023, 5 comments]HIIIIIIII this is my first quiz so if it's terrible let me know in the comments... (I HOPE it's not.)……
Opalseeker status level: Novice joined GoToQuiz on Feb 27, 2023. She has created 4 quizzes, which can be viewed on her profile.