Seekers-What bear are you?

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This is my second quizz, and I'm proud of it. In this quizz, learn who you would be in seekers. A big, kind, white bear. A big, brave, brown bear, a small, annoying, black bear, or a small, dreamy, brown bear.

This quizz is created by, the one and only, WarriorCatSpirit.Please give me the green smiley face rating, and we'll all be happy. WARRIORCATSPIRIT, OUT!!!

Created by: WarriorCatSpirit
  1. If you were a bear in the forest that had your own territory, and a huge brown bear stormed in, what would you do?
  2. Where would you rather live?
  3. What color is your hair?
  4. What do you feel like eating?
  5. How do you catch your prey?
  6. What is your fav. letter?
  7. Who is The Great Bear to you?
  8. What is your gender?
  9. What attitude suits you best?
  10. How did you like my quizz?(WARNING: THIS WILL EFFECT YOUR SCORE!)
  11. Who do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: Seekers-What bear am I?
