See if your lying or not

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See if your telling a truth or a lie and you will see your score!Please don't lie, I don't like liesQuiz made by me!Please take my quiz ;(Quiz LOL LOL

If You Lie, Please Try Again, Whenever you give up, try a different quiz!I have multiple friendsWowYesQuiz.YoWow I love quizzes.Wow what happens? LOL O

Created by: Silas
  1. Have you ever had an Apple before?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Do you like avocados?
  4. What's this quiz creator's birthday?
  5. 1,000+999,000=?
  6. (Last question) What's the of the creator of this quiz?
  7. (Bonus) How many times Have you had me as friend?
  8. Note: you can go beyond _-___ but just don't open ___ doors.
  9. How many entities in I.R Section V?
  10. How many Entities in Apr1 U section?

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Quiz topic: See if my lying or not
