See How Well You Know JB!

This quiz is about Justin Bieber to test your knowledge on him So I wish you the Best of luck On this test Thank you very much Aisling XxxXxxXxxXxxX

Are you the one the only who knows every little thing about justin bieber well then take this test to find out how well you really know him Thank you Aisling XxxXxxXxxXxxXxxX

Created by: AislingXxx

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Is Justin Bieber...
  2. What month is Justin's Birthday in?
  3. Who is Justin Dating?
  4. Whats Jbs middle name?
  5. Justin Bieber wrote the song..
  6. Did Justin Bieber win his schools talent show?
  7. What's Justin's Favourite Colour?
  8. Where is Justin from?
  9. Which would JUstin Pick to marry?
  10. What is Justin's Managers name?
  11. When was his single baby released?
  12. What did Justin play?
  13. How old was Justin When he wrote Pray?
  14. What is Justin's favourite season?
  15. what was Justin's first song?
  16. What is Justin's new fragrance for girls called?
  17. True or False Justin is Christian?
  18. Does Justin speak french?
  19. What is Justin's Hidden Talent?
  20. What did Justin Bieber sing at the Kids Choice Awards 2010
  21. How long is Eenie Meenie with Sean Kingston?
  22. True or False justin cried on stage while singing down to earth?
  23. How long is the song Baby?
  24. Which song is not Biebers?
  25. From the line of That Should Be Me-That Should Be Me making you_____
  26. Jb is the new youngest artist to get signed since the year of....?
  27. fill in the blank. kiss me kiss me say that you ___ __
  28. What did Usher give Jb for his 16 b-day?
  29. Name 5 songs by Justin Bieber (wrote or made by him).
  30. does justin bieber play piano?
  31. Justin sang which of his songs in French?
  32. What is Justin Bieber's favorite color to wear?
  33. dose Justin biber have a sister?And whats her name?
  34. how tall is justin drew bieber???!!!
  35. how tall is justin drew bieber???!!!
  36. What age is he going 2 be on 1st march 2011?

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