Scott AFB chat Quiz 3

Sure you know all about chocolate, Illinois, 80's music, movies and all the other quiz topics we have had. But how well do you know the ladies on the Scott AFB chat?

By popular demand I made this quiz all about the ladies in our online chat group. Those who do more than just read the titles of others posts or just post things they are selling will do better on this.

Created by: Mo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who's currently shopping for a mini van?
  2. Where did Marian move here from?
  3. What was Marissa's daughter LJ last year for Halloween?
  4. Whooo another hard one. April 6th, 2008. What did Shelley have for breakfast?
  5. What is Waphyl1's first name?
  6. Melissa Ann posted "OMGness, I just found out that she was my Secret Sister! A-FREAKIN-MAZING!" Who was her secret sister?
  7. What phrase follows all of Shery'ls posts?
  8. True or False You can go through security and meet and or escort a deployed family member to their airport gate.
  9. What game show would Marissa say she would like to be on?
  10. And Finally...Mary B. has pictures of what 80's icon on her keychain?

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