Scotish Referndum

The Scottish Referendum. There are a lot of people talking about this - Find out if You should Vote Yes Or No Before the 18th September DO you have the balls to vote Yes?

If you Vote No! - Will You be able to look at the Englishman in the Public Bar and ever talk about Bannock Burn again. Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Phil McCrackin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Should Scotland share the North Sea Oil with UK?
  2. Would you consider letting your only daughter sleep with a filthy english man
  3. What should the new currency for Scotland be called
  4. Who would you have on the Scotish Stamp?
  5. What colour will the new passpot be for the Scottish People?
  6. Who will you vote as the King of Scotland?
  7. If you ran over an English Tourist- Would You?
  8. You are going to get married - How will you get a mortgage?
  9. When you are on Jeremy Kyle (Or Scottish Equivalent) having a DNA terst - And You discover that your true father is English. Do you?
  10. Do you intend to vote in the referendum

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