Scilencerz Quiz

Ever heard of the Scilencerz? No? Not surprised, no one has really, just a few but now yoy can see how well you guess. Simply take this quiz and choice what you think is right.

If you played 'Which Scilencerz Officer are you?' You already have a slight taste of whats going on, but this is actual information of imagination. You really do need to guess well to beat this, or just take it a second time. Either way good luck!

Created by: Carrera
  1. When was the Scilencerz created?
  2. Cargo belongs to which League?
  3. Winger was orignally
  4. Which Scilencerz married his sister out of strong bonding and personal trust?
  5. ASB stand for
  6. Bella was born by a/an
  7. The nll's league color is
  8. Which league was the orignal first league of the scilencerz?
  9. When Scilencerz and humans still interacted peaceful, all scilencerz had major hatred for what?
  10. Porscha, gt3 rs, and boxster all have what ability?
  11. Scilencerz fuel is what element
  12. Which of Dr Spin's needle fingers will always kill you
  13. All scilencerz have basic standard equipment. What was one of them?
  14. The Scilencerz Hq is the size of
  15. The Scilencerz InterGalactical Spaceport takes up how much of the galaxy?
  16. What powers the galaxy?
  17. What are the cities called with a nuclear fusion creating extra power for itself and nearby cities?
  18. Owss love to use
  19. Which Porsche left the family out of fear and anger
  20. The xrdms uses what technology

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