School OMG NO NO!

There are many good students but few are honor roll's! A honor roll is someone who is a very very very good student! Honor roll is quite exceptional!

Are you a true honor roll???? Are you? Well? Take this smart quiz to find out! Be honest when I ask you questions! No cheating! No calculators! Because that is cheating!

Created by: Andrew
  1. It is time for a test
  2. The teacher asks "any questions?"
  3. What is 12 times 12
  4. You have homework.
  5. What is your average grade (be honest!)
  6. Why do you get that grade?
  7. How many times did you cheat?
  8. Do a tv hours per day to study hours a day ratio
  9. Do a pass to fail ratio
  10. What was your last grade

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