School Idol girl quiz

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If you really like School Idol then I made this quiz just for you. You'll get to take the quiz and see which girl you're mostly like, even if you thought you were one of the girls, in this quiz you might get what you didn't expect.

So do you think you have what it takes to get the girl you really like? Or maybe the one that you thought you were mostly like. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this quiz!

Created by: cute peppy cheerleader
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your hobby?
  2. Which girl is your favorite from these choices?
  3. What's your favorite thing to do that they do?
  4. Do you play the School Idol game on an electronic?
  5. Which girl do you think you're mostly like? (continued on next question too)
  6. (continued from other one) (if your answer's not over there then pick the one you're most like of those)
  7. Do you like School Idol?
  8. Which song do you like best? (of these)
  9. Do you wish all the girls had boyfriends?
  10. Do you consider Maki and Nico a couple? (because they spend soo much time together)
  11. Do you wish you knew one of the people who plays the voices for the characters?

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