Scary facts and it gets worse

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So this is a scary facts thing extreme trigger warning if you decide to view some of the stuff I mention also if you get scared just look at s---poststatus

Now I’m gonna just fill this up with the abcs Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzsksjxjw AbcdefghijklmnoamogusAbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyAbcdefghiAbcdefghijklmno2ucsmdgcuwj$cnAbcdefghijdkdid---djcixdmch

Created by: TeaTime
  1. This is the most prosperous time to live in,compared to any point in history
  2. ‘Limits to growth’ a book published in 1972 at MIT,predicts societal collapse around 2040
  3. We are ahead of the predicated schedule for western collapse
  4. We have entered the holocene extinction event,the 6th mass extinction event recorded in history
  5. The taliban/AI qaeda mainly used children to send inner city secret messages..
  6. As a result,children were the main fatalities in middle conflicts,pictures of which exist online (EXTREME VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED)
  7. 21 year old girl from South Carolina had a psychotic episode after using meth…she pulled both of her eyeballs out and crushed them in her bare hands because she thought she needed to in order to save the word I believe people saw it happen
  8. There are photos online of a x-ray of a baghdad civilian killed by a gas canister to the brain dont worry the images online aren’t that scary so don’t worry
  9. The book of names in auschwitz holding the name of every holocaust victim I think there are 9780062797155 pages
  10. Chinese students moments before being slaughtered in the Tiananmen Square Massacre,1989 NSFL IMAGES AVAILABLE ONLINE
  11. In 1933 Carl Tanzler raided the tomb of a female patient with whom he’d become obsessed with and stole her corpse he lived with the body for several years..
  12. As the body fell apart he attached the corpses bones back together with wire and coat hangers he was only caught when someone saw him DANCING with the corpse in a open window
  13. Statistically around 5 people who take this quiz will not make it to Christmas this figure is likely much higher given increase in death rate and decrease in birth rate
  14. 1 of 3 applies to YOU-Someone will find your corpse -Someone will watch you die-Your body will never be found
  15. Petrinho Matador,considerd the worst serial killer in Brazil allegedly murdered around 100 people most notoriously,he murdered his father and proceeded to eat his heart
  16. Petrinho Matador heavily influenced child torture,CP and cannibalism within the dark web pictures of his victims are not hard to find but..EXTREME VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED
  17. The murder,disinbowlment and dismemberment of Jessica ridgeway a 10 year old girl was recorded and posted online copies of the original recording exist in low quality,it is rumored to be ‘shock horror’ meaning it is clipped onto the end of child friendly videos
  18. Peter scully,an Australian who fled to the Philippines and operated a secret dark web child p---ography website known as ‘No limits fun’ where he and others raped and murdered children and babies they produced videos such as daisys destruction which is so extreme that it for some time was regarded as a urban exists
  19. The most common form of infant torture is crushing,pressing with extreme force upon the soft spot on s baby’s skull recordings are sold on the dark web THIS IS ILLEGAL TO VIEW DO NOT ATTEMPT TO LOCATE
  20. So how’d ya like it scare ya?

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