Save alienette from the evil

This is a little short quiz featuring slaby ezobe and azer will you save muta or not will see if you want a part two comment it's kinda short 💕💕💕💕

Azera is a monster who loves bullying and evilness he can't be hurt but you can cause him pain just be careful cause he's dangerous 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

Created by: Amelia
  1. You wake up in a white room tied up ezobe oh there awake Azer should we untie them now Slaby wait we got to ask them an important question Azer oh yeah friend or foe
  2. Slaby idc we ain't got time foe this we gotta save alienette Ezobe ya Azer anyway let's get you dressed what are you wearing
  3. Azer now what's you're weapon
  4. Azer you're super power
  5. Azer what's you're race
  6. Slaby enough with de questions we gotta go save alienette Azer sorry 😭 Slaby sighs it's ok 😑 now let's go look for a ride
  7. Y'all get out of the room outside y'all see a car azer uses charm to get the person out then slaby blows up the person then y'all get in the car
  8. Y'all get in the car Slaby so where should we look
  9. Before y'all look a big giant black hand rips through the car and grabs azer Slaby there he is with alienette come on You
  10. Bye comment for part2

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