Sam And Colby Quiz

sam and colby are really nqwfiniFOnwI:fnmwai:FnwiA:FjIF;nIFin:FnIF:nihot. nUDnpw: IwdwIOR f,wa. fma iwna oifnuikNF d.ndoq iw;jdia kfoj faj jsaofjs ao jo jfsaioaj fo klxa Klc. wnf uanf ioa, fa.

reallllllly hot and funny and amazing i want their merch. fiNFiw uwbnf uIOEfb iuef buiow bIUFb uwiB FalBFjlkwa BilBFiul f. cwqnf u FHi FBwuiLFN nqei

Created by: madide
  1. Who are Sam and Colby?
  2. Are they hot?
  3. What is Colby's full name
  4. Do they live together?
  5. Is Sam single?
  6. What is Sam's full name?
  7. Is Colby Single?
  8. What are they?
  9. How many subscribers do they have
  10. Do you love them?

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