sad,romantic love story part 4

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so this is part 4 the grand finale. I hope you like it. no I hope you love it.okay so I did not expect this two go likie this when I first wrote it. so if you don't think its sad it was supposed to go differently.

so anyway ii hope you are ready to read this it is longer then the other parts.i hope you like it. and that's all I have to say. enjoy.thanks for even looking at this.

Created by: lindseyt
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  1. Abigail and Kevin stare at Andrew. are you crazy Kevin asks what do you mean?
  2. I mean that im going to kill you both. but why Abigail asks. cause all you two do is get in my way. your way of what Kevin demands. the way of my popularity ,of course.
  3. WHAT. Abigail says. all you ever cared about was being popuar.kevin says. youre right and Abigail keeps getting in my way and then Kevin keeps going after her and I cant have that.
  4. I have been losing popularity due to you two. but not anymore cause you two are going to be dead by the end of the day. why don't you just not talk to us says Abigail cause that would make me look mean but If I kill you I can just say you both died of illness or something no one will ever know Andrew finishes.
  5. wait let me get this straight. you want to kill Kevin and me because ewe are making you lose popularity and you cant just ignore us or not tak to us because that would make you look mean. so your going to murder us Abigail finishes.
  6. yes that's what I just said Andrew says weren't you listening. now no more stalling. time to kill. he slides the knife on Abigails arms then on Kevins very quickly with his eyes closed. but Andrew hears no sighs of pain he opens his eyes and gasps.
  7. the knife had gone through Abigail and Kevin.what is going on here. What Abigail says you acutally thought you could kill us then she turns to Kevin and says he thought he could kill us then they both start laughing.
  8. you cant kill us cause were already dead.says Kevin we are ghosts. We died in the year 1818. it was just like this. some popular boy killed us and like he said no one ever found out. that's why were here because we cant rest in peace Abigail says he stay and wait for the nezt popular guy that tries to do this that's why we got in youre way. so you would want to kill us Kevin finishes
  9. but this time its going to be different yyou aren't going to kill us were are going to kill you. WHAT YOU CANT DO THAT says Andrew. oh yes we can after all that's why we are here in the first place. Abigail says .
  10. its time for youre death. Kevin picks up the knife and points it at Andrew. he walk forward and AHHHHHHH.

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