Sacraments of Initiation: The Eucharist

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In this quiz, you will be learning and studying about the first sacrament of Initiation, which is the Eucharist. Please study thoroughly before taking this test.

In this quiz, you will be learning and studying about the first sacrament of Initiation, which is the Eucharist. Please study thoroughly before taking this test. God loves y!ou

Created by: Chelsea
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The Eucharist is truly the ____, ____, ______, and ______ of Jesus Christ.
  2. We must partake of his Body and Blood, to have eternal life.
  3. 35 Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
  4. What is the "Matter" of the Eucharist?
  5. What is the "Form" of the Eucharist?
  6. What does "Transubstantiation" mean?
  7. To receive Holy Communion, you must be:
  8. What is the act of reverence do you say/do right before receiving the Eucharist?
  9. The Eucharist is the TRUE spiritual aliment
  10. The Eucharist is the ______'s gift of ultimate love
  11. _____ feeds us with his body and blood.
  12. ______ makes the effect of transubstantiation possible.
  13. What is 1 Corinthians 11:24-25?
  14. After we had received the Eucharist, our graces are increased, love of God is strengthened and more inclined to do good.
  15. This Sacrament is repeatable

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