S(he's) Br(ok)en.

***READ ME*** Hey guys, I'm back! I know that earlier I was either going to write a horror story or a romantic comedy, but being the impulsive person that I am, I've decided to write something totally different. This story is very different from Paranormal Love. It's written in first person. It is mostly sad, but it does have some happy, funny, and romantic moments. It also may just be the very first story on gotoquiz that is only one part long... unless yall want me to write more.
Just a warning: I hope you're in the mood for reading because this story is kinda long. I apologize to those of you who have short attention spans, please bear with me. Pretty much the whole story is a girl having a flash back. Well, you'll see. Some of the events in the story are true. Another thing you should know is that the characters don't have names. Perhaps I will give them names if I choose to write more, but no worries, it's easy to tell who is who. I hope you all enjoy the story! :)