Rubix Cube: Solve it!

A quiz about Rubix Cubes? That's strange, you think. This is a quiz about the method used to solve the Rubix Cube taught to me by the YouTuber SBergs.

If you know about how to solve the Rubix Cube then this is the quiz for you. Test your knowledge ultimately! Are you ready for a challenge? Let's find out!

Created by: Mooshroom9

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  1. Let's start with the blue face. First we need to make the cross. We attach the edge pieces with their correct colour, then twist them up to meet the blue face. Why?
  2. Now the cross is completed, we start the corners. We need them in the optimal position first. Where is the optimal position?
  3. First layer done! What do we place in next?
  4. We look at the colours. On the top is red, on the bottom is yellow. Which side do we twist it, and which side do we pull down?
  5. We've placed in all the corners in but one. That one is in the corner, but the wrong way round. What do we do?
  6. Next for the third layer, you're doing well! You see a line of greens, which is the bottom layer. How do you hold it?
  7. You get a cross of three green pieces, with one missing. How do you hold it now?
  8. Finally, a completed cross! And just for you it's aligned as well! No corners are in their correct place though. What algorithm (pattern) do you use?
  9. One correct corner! Where do you hold it?
  10. Two corners are orientated. The other two are next to each other. Where do you hold them?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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