Roman demigod, Greek demigod, Witch or wizard?

Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, and Harry Potter are the big names are you one of them? In this quiz you'll find out. Greek, Roman, or Witch and Wizard. Cant wait to know!

The Romans are hard working and like War games. The Greeks are funny and like capture the flag. They also have Big poop pile i mean zeus fist. Wizard kind likes quidditch and wand lore. lets see what YOU are!

Created by: HOOPJOHPfanatic
  1. Are you messy or organized?
  2. How well do you hold under pressure?
  3. Magic?
  4. Sword fighting?
  5. War games or capture the flag?
  6. Colors?
  7. Hera?
  8. Pick one.
  9. Like the quiz? Not any point just want to know.
  10. How tall are you?

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