Roblox Rox Epicly

Can you answer these Roblox questions? Some are hard some are not, it's up to you if you can do it.

Well you are good so you have a reward, the real reward is playing Roblox.

Created by: Matt
  1. Why is Roblox awesome?
  2. Is Roblox awesome?
  3. How much users Roblox have?
  4. Unknown question.
  5. What is the first letter in the alphabet?
  6. Witch one of thease is not a homophone.
  7. Why is Roblox better than Minecraft?
  8. What does sad mean?
  9. Heads -------- knees and ----
  10. Is Minecraft better?
  11. How many servers does Roblox have?

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