ROBLOX Noob Test - Are you a noob?

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There are many noob, but about 500 true no noobs is,What is a noob? A noob is someone who has played roblox for less that one year and is new the the roblox community.

Are YOU a no noob? Are YOU a no noob? Are YOU a no noob? Are YOU a no noob? Are YOU a no noob? Are YOU a no noob? Are YOU a no noob? Are YOU a no noob?

Created by: ROBLOX name:Torchic09 of NONE
(your link here more info)
  1. Which is a roblox administrator that is now retired since 2015?
  2. When did roblox exist as dynablocks?
  3. Did ROBLOX let you build your own games in 2005?
  4. is vvinsertnameherevv stupid?
  5. before the account ROBLOX, who was id 1?
  6. did roblox release any of these?
  7. Does roblox let you use spaces in your username?
  8. which is a admin?
  9. Which Account doesn't exist?
  10. did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: ROBLOX Noob Test - am I a noob?