Robin Trivia Quiz

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Robin is one of the most popular of sidekicks of all time, but do you really know much about him? This quiz will test your knowledge about Robin. Some questions will be easy, some-not so much.

Only the best can correctly answer all of the questions on this quiz, so go read a comic or two before taking it to make sure you have better results. Also, a thank you to our sponsor, bunny rabbits.

Created by: PersassyJackson
  1. Who was the first Robin?
  2. What was Tim Drake’s alias after moving on from the Robin mantel?
  3. What year did Robin debut in comics?
  4. Who is Damian Wayne’s mother?
  5. How many biological children does Bruce Wayne have?
  6. Which robin becomes the Joker in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker?
  7. What version of Tobin appears in Frank Millers The Dark Knight Returns?
  8. How old is Dick Grayson when he becomes Robin?
  9. What animal does Damian Wayne rescue and what does he name it?
  10. How many Robins are there total?

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