Robert Comyns, What Are You?!?:)

I got bored so I made this quiz, it is about what you are, angel, archangel, demon, human and alien, ya know, normal stuff. I hope that you enjoy this quiz.

Have you ever wondered what you are... Are you human, and alien or a god, this is a quiz to find out what you really are, I hope what you get is what you want. Comment if you want.

Created by: Robert Comyn
  1. What is your dream/Goal?
  2. What power do you want most of all?
  3. If you see a people being attacked by people what do you do.
  4. Cat
  5. A group of teenages gets lost in a forest.
  6. An alien army comes to earth.
  7. Dog
  8. Why did would you go to eath?
  9. What did you do in 1476 ad?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Robert Comyns, What am I?!?:)