Roberology Quiz

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Take the Robertology quiz! See If YOU could become a true Robertologist. Can you learn about this peculiar species? Do you have the knowledge? FIND OUT!

Could YOU be a Robertologist? Do you have what it takes to learn more about these two dimensional species! They live and work around you everyday! Do you even notice?

Created by: Wesley R Tech
  1. Who does Jim grow up to be
  2. Why is Evil Robert evil?
  3. How can you distinguish Melanie from Melinda?
  4. What are Robert's confirmed jobs.
  5. What are the order of steps that the Robert Pandemic follows to consume it's victims.
  6. Does Robert ever explore space?
  7. What are the marks of Robert?
  8. Does Robert ever move that we can see?
  9. Are robertians Color Coded by Job, Race, or anything?
  10. Do all Roberts have Neck Space?
  11. Do all Robertas have Shoulder Squaring?

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