Rob and gems brain busting quiz

This has taken me ages to compile!! This is, hopefully a good old fashioned pub type quiz. So why dont you have ago and see if you are on the same wave lengh as us?!

Put your brains were your mouth is, and see if you can conquer this quiz which I have made! If you can score above 90 percent without cheating, I'll buy you a beer!!

Created by: loveydovey
  1. Two households both alike in .....
  2. What is the name of Dr. Who's home planet
  3. The 1984 Olympic games were held
  4. Prime Minister John Major belonged to which political party
  5. Who was the first ever King
  6. The metric prefix 'nano' is ....
  7. John Harrison d. 1776 is a famous
  8. St. Helena is found in which Ocean
  9. The ore Galena is related to which metal
  10. 'Close bosom friend of the maturing sun' is part of a poem by

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