Riddles and how much you know about Harry Potter

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So there's going to be ten riddles. I hope there not too hard or easy for you!!!!(fdisweujsfgdhiojbrdhnfhjhufhbcghjkhf---hdbfudiourhedhdiokrjfhiorkghfuhdjh)

And there's also going to be ten qweshtins about harry potter too.I hope there not too hard or easy for you either!!!(ydhnwhethfydukjfrfruiejfgduiwefcifhcberhftryhfbrfvhv yrtfurfcyrfyruerhrteyfh)

Created by: Springpowergirl
  1. I am tall when i'm young and short when i'm old.What am I?
  2. If Lily's daughter is my daughter's mother,what am I to Lily?
  3. What is seen in the middle of March and April but not in the beginning or end of either month?
  4. I have keys,but no locks and space,and no rooms.You can enter,but you can't go outside.What am I?
  5. How many letters are in the alphabet?
  6. You're escaping a maze,and there are 3 doors in front of you.The door on the left leads to a pit of lava.The door in the center leads to a room filled with deadly gas.The door on the right leads to a lion that hasn't eaten in 3 months.Which door do you choose?
  7. These are found in Harry Potter books!They help make Christmas gifts that "santa" brings to you.
  8. Two in a corner,one in a room,zero in a house,but one in a shelter.What am I?
  9. Poor people have it. Rich people need it.If you eat it you die.What is it?
  10. You walk into a room that contains a match,a kerosene lamp,a candle,and a fireplace.What would you light first?
  11. What house at Hogwarts does Harry belong to?
  12. What position is Harry on his Quidditch team?
  13. How does harry catch his first snitch?
  14. What does the Mirror of Erised do?
  15. What is the name of the first Harry Potter book?
  16. Who is Scabbers the rat?
  17. Name Harry Potter's parents.
  18. Name Ron Weasley's parents.
  19. Name Draco Malfoy's Dad.
  20. How many Hogwarts houses are their?

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