Revive Church Love Story

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This is based on my real life. Mind you, BASED. That doesn’t mean EVERYTHING happened. It’s a 60-40 deal. Most of it ACTUALLY happened, but the rest of it is made up.

I know you hesitate when you see the word “church” on the title. But this church is no ordinary church. It’s REVIVE, based on my real church Awaken. Don’t give up just because it’s churchie. Have fun!!

Created by: Aves
  1. So, your name is Amy Collins. You are twelve years old when this story begins and you are in seventh grade. You have started to go to this church, Revive. It’s WAY different from your old church. Much more hype. Let’s start!
  2. You are at the beach, going to something called Surf Club. You don’t have any friends, but your dad is friends with the host of the Club, Mr. Smith. “Hey, Amy, want to go bogie-boarding?” Your father asks you. “Sure,” you reply, getting up from your towel. You paddle out into the waves, going out really far. After about an hour, your father suggests you go back. You nod, and you both start going back. But, oh no! You are caught in a rip! You try your hardest to pull through, but you are badly struggling. Luckily for you, one of Mr. Smith’s sons is surfing nearby. He approaches you. “Do you need help?” He asks. “Yes!” Your father answers. You recognize this to be Thomas, the younger son. He has fluffy blonde hair and blue eyes, with tanned skin and about a head shorter than you (your tall for your age). He instructs you to grab his feet, and you obey, seeing no choice. After about ten minutes of paddling, Thomas suggests a different approach. Somehow you both arrive back safely. You grab a towel, breathing heavily. If it wasn’t for Thomas, you would probably be stuck out there. “Did you kiss his cheek?” Asks your father mischievously. You glare at him. “DAD.” “Okay, sorry, kiddo.”…
  3. A few weeks later, you are invited to something called Friday Night Worship at Smith’s house. ‘He does a lot of stuff!’ You think. You and your family go, and you see a kid who invited you to play volleyball earlier that day. You rush up the stairs, and you say, “Where’s the fire?” The kid who invited you to play volleyball turns around and high-fives you. You notice that he’s very tan with black hair and hazel eyes. You have a blast that night, and you meet the musicians, who are nice. One of them is Keith, who you met a little over a week ago. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, with an interesting nose. You go to many more Friday nights, and you never speak to that volleyball kid, Marcus, again. But you do talk to Keith, if only a little.
  4. One day at Friday Night, Mrs. Dawson asks if you would be willing to do the slides for worship. You hesitate, unsure. But as soon as she shows you how, you relax. It’s very easy. As everyone gets their dinner (you’re not hungry), one of the musicians looks at you and says, “Hey, remind me of your name.” You smile shyly. “Amy.” “Peter,” he says with a smile. You nod, but you already know his name. He’s one of the high school junior high leaders on Sunday church. You notice that he has black hair and blue eyes. “Thanks for doing this.” “Of course.” You give him a smile.
  5. One day, your mom finally fixes your phone, which was broken. You hold the sacred thing in your hands, breathing heavily. “Thanks, Mom!” You exclaim. Not long after, you text your friend Alyssa, who was contacting you via email. She adds you to the worship chat, and you introduce yourself. To break the ice, you ask who’s behind the numbers. Octavia, Keith, and Peter all introduce themselves. Then Peter makes the comment, “Amy, I’m happy to have you in this chat too and I’m happy to call you my friend.” No one, let alone a boy, has ever said something so sweet to you.
  6. At church, you stand patiently in line. Someone behind you asks, “Are you in line?” You turn around, and you realize that it’s Peter’s younger brother, Sean. He looks like a miniature Peter, except with green eyes. “Yes,” you reply. You notice how Sean has really green eyes. You feel a stab of pity. You have always wanted green eyes. You pretend to ignore him the rest of the time, but he seems to be looking at you. Your heart speeds up. What if he liked you? You avoid him the rest of the time.
  7. After a few weeks, the unthinkable happens. All of the backup singers are not available for Friday night, and Clara, the main singer, asks if you could sing. A lump goes in your throat. This has been your dream since you were little. You soberly look at your phone, and text Clara back. “I’ll do it,” you say firmly. Your little brother Caden offers to do the slides, and it’s all set. You stare at the microphone, and you glance at Clara. “I don’t know if I can do this,” you confess. A warm hand touches your shoulder. You look up and see Peter smiling down at you. “You can do this, Amy,” he encourages you, “I believe in you.” You smile back, and some of the butterflies fly away. The song, “Party in the USA,” pops in your head. You take a deep breath, and back up Clara in worship. You are amazing! The crowd cheers wildly, despite your small role. You blush, and you see Marcus and Thomas staring at you. You quickly look away, and take a deep breath. You did it.
  8. After worship, Peter rushes over as you walk toward the kitchen. “Amy, you were amazing! I knew you could do it!” You blush at his praise. “Thanks,” you mumble politely, trying to be modest. “You were pretty awesome too.” Sean comes into the kitchen next. He gives you a long stare. Then he says very quietly, “Nice job.” He gives Peter a look, but says nothing more.
  9. One day, as you are walking into church, you bump into Marcus on your way in. “Ooof!” You scramble to pick up your Bible, when Marcus says, “You know, when a bible falls on the ground, you’re supposed to burn it.” You roll your eyes. “I think you’re thinking of the American flag, bro,” you say as Marcus bursts out laughing. He finally pulls himself back together. “I know. I’m just trying to make you laugh,” he says with a smile. Despite your annoyance, you can’t help but smile back, your heart fluttering. He checks his phone. “Anyways, gotta go now. Catch ya later.” He rushes out of the building.
  10. You haven’t seen much of Thomas lately. But you quickly catch the eye of Mr. Smith, and he waves you over. You are with your dad, so he comes along with you. Thomas stands close to his father, looking at you with his bright eyes. Mr. Smith and your dad engage in small talk, but neither you nor Thomas says anything. Your dad says, “Hey, thanks for saving my daughter a while back.” You blush with embarrassment. How could he still remember that? “We talk about it ALL the time.” Thomas looks slightly concerned, and awkwardly shuffles his feet. You quickly say, “Don’t listen to him. We don’t.” Thomas doesn’t meet your eyes, and tells his father that he was going to hang out with his friends. You watch him go, wondering what was going on in his mind.
  11. There is discord among the musicians. Peter and Clara are having sibling rivalry, and the rest of the musicians are horsing around. You watch from your place, safely away from the argument, but feeling the anger expressed through music and words. You have never seen Peter frustrated before, but he clearly was. ‘What can I do?’ You ask yourself, biting your lip. When practice is over, everyone departs to eat. You remain at the computer, eyeing the musicians. Clara sits next to you. You both talk about the argument. You say, “I thought you sounded great, but it felt so angry. It’s not about how it SOUNDS, but more about how it FEELS.” Clara glances at Peter. “Did you hear that, Peter?” She calls. “Amy just said that it’s not about how it sounds, but how it feels.” You end up doing worship, and the day after you shoot a long text to Peter and Clara. Peter explains his frustrations, but Clara doesn’t reply back. Peter says that he wants worship to be of high quality, and he gets frustrated when it fails to meet his standard. You gently remind him about the heart of worship, and he takes it very well.
  12. Not long after the argument, you sense more fire coming from the team as they rebel against Peter again. Tired of his poor treatment, you finally speak up and say, “Everyone listen to me! Peter is only trying to do his best to be a good worship leader. We should be honoring him, and this is not how we honor. Let’s all calm down, please.” They argue a little, and Keith takes your side, saying, “Listen to Amy! 456 messages!! C’mon, guys!” The argument ends, and Peter has successfully been defended.
  13. You bump into Sean at church. “Sorry!” You exclaim cheerfully, avoiding those pretty green eyes. Sean stares at you for a long time, making you nervous. You blush. “Uhhh...what’s up?” You inquire, wiping the sweat on your shorts. Not very attractive, you think to yourself. Sean looks away and blushes, avoiding YOUR eyes. “N-nothing,” he mumbles, blushing furiously, “’re very pretty.” He rushes away without another word. You frown. Then blush. Then smile. ‘He thinks I’m pretty?!’ You think, touching your soft cheek. You try not to think about it during service, but you can’t help but steal a glance at the young boy. Or a few. You caught him staring at you, but once he sees you, he quickly turns away, his face coloring.
  14. “Guys, we need to pray,” you text to the worship chat, only a week or two after the argument. “I feel like the devil’s trying to divide don’t have to, but I’d appreciate it if you would.” Apparently, the chat didn’t seem to understand, and only faithful Keith bothered to say he would. Angry and misunderstood, you lie in your bed, scowling. ‘Fine! I’ll just pray alone! I don’t need THEM anyway. Apparently, I’M the ONLY ONE who actually CARES about our team, so I’LL pray...’ you think, sobbing in your bed. Then you hear a ding. “It’s probably just something stupid,” you mutter. As stubborn as you are, curiosity gets the better of you, and you pick up your phone. It’s some texts from Peter. “They don’t understand that, and that’s OK. As much as we want them to, they just don’t. But I really appreciate having you on the team.” You meekly reply, “I appreciate you too.” Then he says the unexpected: “and you’re amazing. Don’t tell anyone because you know what will happen, but you’re my favorite lol.” It seems as if Peter knows how to strike you in the heart. You try to return the compliment. Turns out, he’s only said that to ONE other person. That makes you pretty special.
  15. Unfortunately, soon the team breaks up. You are sad. You tell them all goodbye over text. Next Friday is their last night. There’s a hint in of regret in your tone, and Peter must’ve sensed it because he sends you a really sweet text. He tells you that you are known and loved, and that he will always be friends with you. He tells you that you are amazing, and that you’re not alone. At Friday night, you do your best to enjoy yourself. And you do. However, you do have to make more slides because Peter forgot to mention that they were also doing “What I See” by Elevation Worship. It isn’t a problem. You are pretty quick when it comes to slides. Sean, as usual, ignores your existence while Peter and Clara stick around. “What would we do without Amy?” They say. You laugh. “Probably everything.” But inside you are grateful for their praise. You sing with Clara for worship, and the performance is amazing. You hug them all before you leave. “Thanks for the amazing opportunity,” you say. “No,” they say. “Thank you. We really appreciate you, Amy.” When you leave, everyone says goodbye REALLY loudly. Even though you are sad to be leaving them, you know that you will still be friends with…
  16. This is the end. Look out for PART 2! I don’t know how long it will take because Gotoquiz is making it hard for me to make quizzes. Like when I go to the quizmaker it won’t let me actually make a quiz. Let me know if y’all could help! Suggestions would be amazing! 😅

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