Review of Aru shah series.

The quiz is for fun and there’s no violence in it or sex etc. I hope you like it and I will see you tomorrow at noon! Bye. Love you guys! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

I wanted this to be fun so people could play it with their friends and family! You deserve to play this quiz and I will get your comments. Thanks for sharing.

Created by: Maya
  1. Where does aru live?
  2. Where does aru go to school?
  3. Who were the three vistors?
  4. Who was the girl in the glasses?
  5. What is boo’s real name
  6. How did aru fail?
  7. How aru’s dad disappeared.
  8. Why did mini get mad at aru?
  9. Why does her mom lie to her
  10. Are you ready for the results?

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