The Appropriate Physical Contact Quiz
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This sickly-sweet, overly-caring, bathos-infested relationship calls for the Big Sappy Hug. The Big Sappy Hug is performed by wrapping both arms around the subject, pulling in tight, and making a cutesy grunting or squeezing sound as though one were doting on a puppy. The Big Sappy Hug, though sweet as a swim in Molasses Swamp, often has dark undertones. This is the hug given to adorable little boys and pug-dogs in red velvet dresses, yes, but also to the bereaved, the needy, the sick and the painfully old. The Big Sappy Hug is good when only industrial-strength empathy will scrub away those tough emotional stains, or simply when a slightly saccharine effect is desired. However, be careful when offering such a heaping helping of emotional support: your offer might be rejected, or, worse, accepted.
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On behalf of your friends and family, thank you for taking the time to distinguish good touch from bad touch. Now get out there and touch somebody! Appropriately!