Responsability Quiz

There are many people in this world, but are all of them responsible? Responsibility is a really big part of our lives. Doing well in school and taking the blame for our bad actions are some examples.

Are YOU a responsible person? Do you take responsibility for your actions and are responsible in school? Well, why not take this small true or false quiz to find out!

Created by: Mireya

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  1. Is it a good idea to ONLY study the night before a test
  2. Taking proper notes during class so that it is easier to study is a good idea
  3. Procrastinating is good
  4. Breaking big projects into small parts is helpful
  5. You should plan for your future ahead of time
  6. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is a big step to staying healthy
  7. Exercise can help relieve stress
  8. You should be active during class and participate in things
  9. You should write down everything your teacher puts on the board
  10. You should test different things while you study to see what works good
  11. If you get a job you should make sure to manage your time and to do your homework before you go to work
  12. You should study your notes everyday
  13. If you are not able to finish an assignment on time you should make up excuses to not get in trouble
  14. You should give credit to any sources you use for your assignment including getting ideas from other people
  15. You need about 7-9 hours sleep each night

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