Republican or Democrat?

This quiz is simple. Answer questions and get your resultes. Now, thats a pretty good deal if you ask me. No biased used here, this shouldnt be taken seriously! Unless your a very serious person and take almost everything in your whole life seriously then theres a huge problem.

Also the majority of this quiz asks most social issues because thats where conservatives and liberals mostly differentiate with each other. Probably the best quiz youve ever took in your lifetime.

Created by: Javier Santiago of Javier Santiago
(your link here more info)
  1. How old are you?
  2. Whats your gender?
  3. Should we raise taxes or lower taxes to benefit the middle and lower class?
  4. Do you believe in same sex marriage?
  5. Do you believe in abortion?
  6. Should we fix our immigration system?
  7. Should there be gun control?
  8. Whats your news media coverage?
  9. Which of these people were good Presidents?
  10. Do you believe in the death penalty?
  11. Which candidate would you vote for in 2020?
  12. Did you like this Quiz?

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