Renaissance & Reformation

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This is just a basic study guide on the things we've learned so far for unit 2 "Renaissance and Reformation" In Ms. Morgan's AP European History Class.

This is just a basic study guide on the things we've learned so far for unit 2 "Renaissance and Reformation" In Ms. Morgan's AP European History Class.

Created by: Kailee

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  1. What were some of the ELEMENTS of Renaissance Art?
  2. What qualities did a "Renaissance Man" have?
  3. What works were Leonardo DaVinci famous for his...
  4. Michaelangelo painted "David" and sculpted the Sistine Chapel.
  5. How did Leonardo da Vinci achieve anatomical accuracy in his drawings?
  6. Which artist helped 'bridge the gap' between Northern and Southern artists?
  7. What was the name of the complaints Martin Luther nailed to the church door?
  8. Luther was abused as a child.
  9. Humanism is a system of thought or action concerned with human interests and values.
  10. Catholicism is the same thing as Protestantism.
  11. Indulgences were...
  12. What was important about the Edict of Nantes?
  13. Catholic forces killed more than 10,000 ______ in Paris to form what is now called "Bartholomew's Massacre"
  14. The Edict of Worms declared Luther an outlaw and sent him to a fort in Wartburg.
  15. What did Northern artist focus on that Southern artists did NOT?
  16. Which was focused more on religious/mythological scenes?
  17. The Roman Catholic Church was corrupt for...
  18. Boccaccio, author of the "DeCameron" wrote about..
  19. Florence was home of the Medici Family.
  20. Venice was home to the Sforza Family.
  21. Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Brunelleschi were all native to what Italian city?
  22. Erasmus wrote "Othello".
  23. In the painting, "The Last Supper" what did Leonardo do differently than other artists?
  24. One of the most crucial inventions of the Renaissance was...
  25. Why was Italy considered the "heart" of the Renaissance?

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