Remember the future part 14 Blown up in your face

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Last time on Remember the future: You all managed to get into "Cherry Bomb" thanks to the disguise Carol put together for Devin and Noah's amazing hacking skills. When you guys got there you realized the two girls you had to get the weapons from were none other than Ashlyn and Evelyn, the snooty twins from the convenience store. Noah thought of a way to get Devin to talk to them, by performing a song to attract their attention. Devin was awesome to say the least and Ashlyn talked to him. Seth helped you spy on their conversation using his telepathy (mind reading) and then Ashlyn talked to you. After a tense conversation you finally got her to crack and convinced her to let you guys borrow her dad's weapons and gadgets. On one condition...

... that she and Evelyn come with you to take down N.E.O.N you begrudgingly agree and that's where we left off. Let's see how the party's going now, will drama ensue? will you beat N.E.O.N? and what will blow up in your face this time? FIND OUT IN PART 14!!!

Created by: Missy Prissy Cat

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  1. You exit the doors and instantly Carol asks you what happened. You tell her and her eyes widen in shock. "They're coming... with us!!!!" she screams in frustration, luckily the music is so loud not many people heard her. "It's the only way we're going to get weapons. It's not like we have money" you protest. "This is terrible! They're going to get us killed, and even worse they're both going to drape themselves over Devin like Christmas ornaments! We literally have no other options" she wails. "Carol..." " DON'T YOU "˜Carol' ME!!! We're going to infiltrate N.E.O.N with the twins! HOW DID WE REACH THIS LOW?" she whines some more. "What's going on now?" Warren asks as Carol is muttering curses like no tomorrow. "I had to make a deal with Ashlyn that she and Evelyn could come with us to infiltrate N.E.O.N in order to get their dad's weapons" you explain. Warren grunts "well we don't have any other options so I understand" he says. "That's the only reason why I agreed to it" you reply.
  2. Suddenly you hear an ear grating laugh, you look behind you and see Evelyn (forcefully) laughing holding Devin's arm. You immediately storm up to her and give her a dirty look. "Shut up" you say bluntly. "Oh I'm sorry, I was just laughing at like a really funny joke Devin said" she says innocently. "But I never said anythi- OUCH" Devin rubs his arm that Evelyn pinched with her long glittery pink fingernails. "Oh, and don't tell me to shut up. Ashlyn already texted me that we're coming with you guys... so I'd watch your tongue" she threatens.
  3. "I'd watch yours" you reply staring her down. Devin comes in between you both "Girls stop fighting. Can't we just get along?" he asks. Evelyn smiles at him and wraps her arm around his. "I totally agree Devin, why don't we dance together" before he can say anything she drags him out on the dance floor. You try to catch up to them but people keep getting in the way, soon you have no idea where they went among the swarm of people.
  4. You eventually escape the massive crowd but then you see the corner that the light was floating in during your dream. Curiously, you walk over there to see if anything would happen. Something catches your eye, it's a tiny metal cube... N.E.O.N's tiny metal cube! You immediately panic, "How long has that been there? Who put that there? How did they figure out where we were going?" you ask yourself these questions while trying to find Warren.
  5. You finally see him sitting with Noah at the bar... and they're talking! You're not sure if you should interrupt their conversation or not but regardless you sneak over to behind the booth where the bartenders can't see you and try to listen. "Noaaah" Warren slurs. You realize that he's drunk!!! "I hate you, I really do. The thing is I have no idea why I hate you. I mean you-you're nice, annnd you're helpful, and you're smart... but I just can't like you. I've tried, I mean I like your grandma, and I've seen a picture of your parents and they look nice... but it's just YOU. I really hate you for no reason, and I wish I knew why" Warren confesses. "Well I've always thought that it was a personality difference" Noah says perfectly normal. "At least Noah isn't drunk" you think.
  6. "Maaaaybe, I mean you do the exact opposite of what I dooo... you're quiet, and you're head is in the f***ing clouds all the f***ing time, and despite being smart you're so f***ing stupid sometimes" Warren says. "Well, I don't hate you" Noah says to Warren. "You don't? Why not I suck" Warren says a little clearer. "Well you know the right thing to do, you have an incredible memory, and you always think of others before you think of yourself... to be honest I understand why you hate me because I'm nothing compared to you" Noah says. "Oh you're full of s*** Noah, you-you're an inventor and you think outside the box all the f***ing time" Warren says. "How the f*** is anyone supposed to hate you? I mean I hate you, but... I think you're safe enough" Warren says. "Besides I'm always f***ing up, I've never seen you screw up. You're always doing something cool and you protect _______ so I don't know why I hate you... I mean I don't hate your personality do whatever the f*** you want but... I just hate you. Everytime I see you I feel disgusted to look at you, and the problem is there's nothing to hate about you... maybe that's the problem. I hate the fact that you're so f***ing perfect all the f***ing time" Warren admits. "So... you're jealous of me?" Noah asks. "No f*** I hate you Noah how could I be f***ing jealous of you? You're just unintentionally annoying" Warren says. "Oh... so there's nothing I can do to make you like me?" Noah asks. "See right there, I wouldn't do that in your position. If you said that I was unintentionally annoying I wouldn't f***ing bother, but the fact that you still want to be liked by me is why you're perfect. You're just so... Noah" Warren says to him seriously. "I just want to make amends for ________" Noah says.
  7. "Same here, I really f***ed up when you and Seth were in trouble. You know before we went to the motel, you guys were being chased" Warren says. "Oh I remember that... what happened?" Noah asks. "I said you could handle yourselves, I just wanted you to give me a reason to like you... besides your personality. I mean you're the one who got us in this party, and you helped us get Devin to talk to that Ashlyn girl. You're always there when I f*** up. You're unintentionally annoying and perfect" Warren says. "I'm not perfect Warren... in fact there's a lot you don't know that would shatter that perception" Noah explains. "Let's hear it then" Warren encourages. "I can't tell you... without alcohol" Noah says. As much as you wanted these two to bond, you didn't want both of them both drunk when N.E.O.N came. You get up from your hiding place and you see the surprised look from Warren and Noah when you come out of your hiding place. "Guys, I saw a N.E.O.N cube on the wall. They might be coming!" you inform them. Warren curses and Noah puts down his drink. "You heard our conversation didn't you?" Warren asks. "Yeah I did, I like the fact that you guys are trying to get over your differences but right now we have to find the others and get out of here NOW" you and Noah help Warren up and you all stick together to look for the others.
  8. You manage to find Carol talking to this taller guy that looks similar to Warren. "So then I threw the grenade back at the soldier and yelled- oh my GOD Warren's drunk???" Carol says in shock. "Why did you say that?" the guy asks. "No I didn't mean-Look, here's my number, call me maybe" Carol says giving the guy a slip of paper and running over to you guys. "How did this happen?" she asks worried. "Carol, N.E.O.N is coming, we have to find Seth and Devin and get the hell out of here" you say urgently. Carol nods and sticks around with you guys. "So just out of curiosity, who was that guy?" Warren asks her. "Don't talk Warren, you're drunk" Carol says. "Geez, I'm drunk not diseased" Warren protests. "I'll tell you later okay" Carol insists.
  9. You find Devin and the twins are nowhere in sight. "What happened to Evelyn?" you ask. "I lost her... hey is Warren drunk? I never thought I'd see the day!" Devin says like he's getting a present. "N.E.O.N's coming!!!" you say urgently. "Oh crap! We have to find Seth and get out of here" Devin says. "That's what we're doing genius" Warren says sarcastically. "Even when drunk, Warren still retains some sarcasm... fascinating" Devin jokes. Eventually you all find Seth (ironically) in the same corner as where you found the cube. "Guys I saw a N.E.O.N cube" Seth says. "Yeah we knooow already, let's get the f*** out of here" Warren slurs. Seth sighs "Did you get yourself drunk Warren?" Seth asks. "Yeah, but I didn't know N.E.O.N was coming!" he protests. "Guys, can we please just get out of here before N.E.O.N- OH MY GOD LOOK OUT!!!" Carol points at the ceiling and men in N.E.O.N uniforms come crashing down.
  10. People scream and run around in a mad panic, all trying to leave the club. "We're too late" you say. "Okay, does anyone have any plans?" Devin asks frantically. "Yes I do, punch a hole in the wall Devin and let's get out of here!!!" Warren yells. "Bleh, I will but only if you have a mint when we get back" Devin says waving away at the alcohol breath. "Fine by me, now let's go!!!" Warren orders. Devin rolls back his sleeves and firmly punches right through the wall. You look through the wall and N.E.O.N soldiers are surrounding the entire building. A spotlight shines on the hole through the wall you're all standing in and all the soldiers train their guns on you. You feel a million eyes staring at you all. "______, we know who you are! Surrender and we won't hurt any of your friends" a guy with a megaphone tells you. "Don't surrender _______" Warren whispers to you. "Warren you're drunk!" you whisper back. "If you surrender, you have no chance at getting back at them" Warren whispers back. "Then what do I do?" you ask nervously. Suddenly you hear a loud clacking sound on the roof and something being loaded. "NOBODY MESSES WITH MY PARTY, ESPECIALLY FASHION REJECTS LIKE YOU!!!" you hear a nasally voice yelling at all the N.E.O.N soldiers. They train their guns on her but before they can shoot, a missile is launched at the helicopter and it explodes in a massive fiery explosion.
  11. All the soldiers shield their eyes and you yell "ATTACK!!!" All the guys leap into action, Warren is beating each soldier unconscious in milliseconds, Devin is shooting fire balls and punching guys all the way to the next twelve blocks, Seth is creating a water tornado and sweeping up soldiers and flinging them into the sky, and Noah is fighting them off with nothing but his bare hands and martial arts skills. You run out of the hole and see that Evelyn is shooting oncoming helicopters with a high tech missile launcher on the roof and Ashlyn is loading new missiles so Evelyn can shoot at them faster.
  12. Panic is ensuing inside of the party with people screaming, crying, and swearing like there's no tomorrow. You meet up with Carol who's cheering on for the guys, "Carol, we need to find the car!" you yell over the explosions. "I see it, get the guys NOW!" she yells as she heads for the car. You grab Seth and Devin and shove them towards the car; you see Carol's already grabbed Warren. "WE HAVE TO GET NOAH" you yell. You run back into the battle field with everyone screaming at you to wait up, but you can't leave Noah behind. You manage to dodge the soldiers (thanks to Warren's previous training) and you find Noah being cornered by two soldiers. You throw a rock at one of the soldiers which knocks him out, but the other soldier sees you and grabs Noah by the neck and points the gun right at his head. You freeze in horror as you realize that you can't save him without surrendering.
  13. "DON'T KILL HIM!!!" you yell. "I won't, unless you don't come with us to see Dr. Grey" the soldier threatens. "Dr. Grey?" you question. "SHUT UP, you'd better decide before I blow his head off" the soldier cocks his gun. "STOP!!!" you yell. "I'm going to count to three, and if you can't decide I'll decide for you. One..." the soldier starts his deadly countdown. You look at Noah's soft hazel eyes blinking away the smoke. "Two..." you see Noah mouth the words "I'll be okay... I love you" to you. You gasp in surprise but before you can say anything the soldier says "Three!" and pulls the trigger.
  14. "NOOO!!!" you yell. You reach out your hand and suddenly you feel an overwhelming, yet familiar power flowing through your body and pulsing at your fingertips. You close your eyes and feel the tears pour down your cheeks as you use everything you've got. "Don't die Noah, please don't die" you plead in your head. You open your eyes and see the bullet stuck in super slow motion mid-air. The bullet hasn't even touched Noah's head and your tears blur your vision. The soldier backs away in horror which gives Noah enough freedom to kick his butt. You continue to hold your powers onto that bullet still moving in slow motion. Noah grabs the bullet suspended in the air and drops it on the ground.
  15. You release your powers and you feel even more drained than before. You fall to the ground and try to get up; you try to stay awake just to see his face one more time. You feel his arms around you, picking you up from the ground and carrying you through the war zone that was once the entrance to Cherry Bomb. "How ironic, we went to a club called Cherry Bomb and it's blown up now" you mutter, you hear Noah's soft laughter and you feel grateful that he's still alive... that you can still hear his laugh. You touch his cheek and smile at him "thanks" you whisper to him. He holds you close "your welcome" he whispers back. You close your eyes and feel your consciousness slip away, the last thing you see is the car door being opened and everyone looking at you in shock.
  16. That's the end of part 14 and I'm sorry this was really short but I actually had a lot going on this week but from now on I'm going to get these out a lot quicker. I hope you enjoyed the explosions in this one (I sure did XD I love me some explosions) and my question of the day is *drumroll* What song would you use to describe any of the characters? You can pick one for a certain character or you can choose all of them if you want. I'm only asking this because I want to see what you guys think of the characters so far. You guys always come first when I'm writing these so feel free to put down any ideas or thoughts (within standard courtesy of course) Later my peeps!

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Quiz topic: Remember the future part 14 Blown up in my face