Remember the future part 11 There's only one Fuchsia

Last time on "Remember the future" you figured out the light is a God, and the Caramel Scented Key can travel into your dreams. You finally kissed Seth (the last time was very unsucessful to say the least), and you told Carol about it. You decided to ride with Seth and Noah. You were all having a dandy time, until the car got a flat tire and a N.E.O.N tracker cube beeped to say that you're spotted and soldiers are coming. Will you survive? Will you get captured? And what's with the title today? FIND OUT in "Remember the future part 11 There's only one Fuchsia"
Welcome back to my crazy little story. Oh and thanks to all the new readers who managed to read my entire series from part 1 to 10 in one night. I'm seriously impressed and you both deserve a trophy. I'm talking about scolionophobia, and angelic4. You're both awesome and I'm glad that you like my suspense train of craziness. Well let's not waste any more time (that is if you're actually reading) let's dive right into PART 11 (and I was freaking out about part 10... I'm such a noob XP)