Rekah + Estraji Game Quiz, Who would you be?

This is for our Rekah and Estraji game, where the maker made the world and all the immortals and this quiz is to determine what Element God(dess) you would be.

Will you be Rekah, Goddess of Darkness, Estraji, Goddess of Light, Azari, Goddess of Fire, Naida, Goddess of Water, Sairia, Goddess of Plants, or Amara, Goddess of Crystals?

Created by: Rekah Black
  1. What is your favorite color set?
  2. What is your Favorite thing to do?
  3. What is your soul element?
  4. How evil are you?
  5. What are your best and worst qualities?
  6. Who is your favorite marvel character?
  7. What type of person do you hate the most?
  8. What superpower would you want?
  9. What Canine?
  10. What time of day do you like most?

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