Reality Check:A Simple yet Complicated Love Story 14

I'M SO SORRY! sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

I'm sooooooooo sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.

Created by: Rockstar123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hey guys. I know it's been a while now, but all the tests and essays slowed me down. Sorry if my quizzes are short, but it takes me a while to type, so yeah. I'm so so sorry I took a billion years, (please forgive me) But I really hope you don't stop taking these! Ok so RECAP: You and the cheer squad had a meet and made an appearance at your high school's football team. There was an after-party at Cameron's. After coming home exhausted, you fell asleep. Cameron-SOMEHOW- gets locked out of his own house(wild party, MUCH, CAMERON???) and you let him in because it was rainng out. At the crack of dawn, Cameron leaves and thanks you silently. You drift off to sleep again in the Saturday morning.
  2. GUYS I QUIT. I'M NOT MADE FOR TYPING STORIES. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR GOOD LOVE STORIES THEN READ 54PACKER'S LOVE STORIES. On the search bar, type in EXACTLY , "54packers" and hit search. try her quizzes! [they are WAY better than mine.]
  3. Again... I'm so sorry about the delay and quitting part. but dream that Cameron tells u that he likes u and kathy heard everything. {see idk what else to say!}
  4. IM SOO SORRY! Comment on if u officially hate me.
  5. Sorry.
  6. Sorry!
  7. HUGE Sorry to Iconiac. I love that girl! I'll be reading your quizzes! Love you!
  8. Sorry.
  9. SOOO SORRY!!!!
  10. I'm sorry.

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