Reality awareness matrix

This is a quick teaser of some of the things I would be writing, please enjoy it or squirm at its existence. The choice is entirely yours and these boxes are hard to fill. (at least as quickly as I would like) If you squirm easily at the thought maybe everyone different must be wierdos or just at perplexing ever so slightly amidst large notions then do not take this quiz.

I may do a better or longer one of these, perhaps I will amend this one later its an interesting little way of deducing what you might think about things you maybe did not ponder.

Created by: Angelus

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Relative to conscious reasoning with regards any argument theorised or actual, arrogance is which of these:
  2. If you had the option to wait a thousand years in a Buddhist temple in contemplation with interference of only reasonable magnitude, as opposed to prison with perculiar types and fist throwers, which answer best suits your attitude?
  3. When thinking about the term 'real' with regards to actual physical items or rather material constructs which statement applies to your attitude most?
  4. When thinking about the term 'real' with regards to mental theories and the beliefs and attitudes of others, which statement applies to your attitude most? (extra point if you choose between the lines containing 'crazy' though another answer may score more)
  5. If you are watching a person who is busy doing somthing interesting and the lights go out, then you cannot see them, would you be surprised if when the lights came on they had moved into the kitchen and you did not hear it? If so which is the most likely answer as to what happened?
  6. If I said to you 'I am God' Which is your most likely response if you get launched into a volcano for not answering and others answered and walked away? (do choose one)
  7. If you looked into my eye and I stare you in the eye and stare well for quite some time, could somthing else be going on, despite I am calm, blankly looking and never move, even if that goes on for hours, without ever anything bieng said during or after that event?. Which one or none. (It is a valid psychological learning question, a truth you may not know can be revealed to you)
  8. In a void with only yourself for company which is the wisest belief to try to hold steady, when all else including your physical self is gone?.
  9. Hypothetical question. If my mind connected to your mind and your mind was angry, then I tried to leave and could not.. Would you blame me or some other a--hole? Pick one of the following.
  10. Psychologically speaking which two charactors are best to become based on movies, if two you had to be parts of?
  11. Would you like to do a test like this again? Or do you want me to make it longer across all discussed areas? (zero points, IE: neutral)

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