Realistic Hogwarts Sorting Hat Quiz

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Sorting Hat: Hmmmm...very interesting...very interesting... Yes...yes...I see...Hmmm...difficult...difficult...a complex character...yes...Now...Where to put you...Where to put you...? Aha! I know! Better be...

Hey y'all, as a devout Potterhead I've taken a number of quizzes...and I've finally decided to make one of my own. Some of these questions are unique to this quiz and I try to revert to asking things that are more everyday questions that are easier to honestly answer. I would put more options but the limit is 8 per question unfortunately. Anyways, I put a lot of effort into this so please enjoy!Note: If you do not remotely have four of the traits offered as options leave some of them blank. And remember to answer honestly otherwise the results will be inaccurate. Thank you!

Created by: Kat ze Potterhead of PottersGirl9¾
(your link here more info)
  1. Part 1: Which trait best describes you?
  2. Part 1: Which trait second best describes you?
  3. Part 1: Which trait third best describes you?
  4. Part 1: Which trait fourth best describes you?
  5. Part 2: Which trait best describes you?
  6. Part 2: Which trait second best describes you?
  7. Part 2: Which trait third best describes you?
  8. Part 2: Which trait fourth best describes you?
  9. Part 3: Which trait best describes you?
  10. Part 3: Which trait second best describes you?
  11. Part 3: Which trait third best describes you?
  12. Part 3: Which trait fourth best describes you?
  13. Part 4: Which trait best describes you?
  14. Part 4: Which trait second best describes you?
  15. Part 4: Which trait third best describes you?
  16. Part 4: Which trait fourth best describes you?
  17. Part 5: Which trait best describes you?
  18. Part 5: Which trait second best describes you?
  19. Part 5: Which trait third best describes you?
  20. Which would you do in times of struggle?
  21. What is your favorite Hogwarts class?
  22. What is your position in Quidditch?
  23. What is your favorite magical creature?
  24. What is your wand core?
  25. Which Horcrux do you like the most?
  26. Which of the three Deathly Hallows would you choose?
  27. What is your favorite Hogwarts treat?
  28. What is your favorite Harry Potter spell?
  29. What is your Patronus? (or one closest to it)
  30. What is your blood status?
  31. How do you view blood status?
  32. What do you smell in Amortentia? (your favorite scents)
  33. What do you see as your boggart? (your biggest fear)
  34. What would you wish to do after you graduated from Hogwarts?
  35. What is your friend group? (# of friends in parentheses)
  36. What is your favorite color palette?
  37. What is your favorite color? (SINGULAR)
  38. What is your favorite Muggle Core Class?
  39. What is your favorite Muggle Elective Class?
  40. What is your favorite Movie/Book genre?
  41. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
  42. Fight or Flight?
  43. What is your favorite song? (out of the options available)
  44. What are your views on rules?
  45. What are you passionate about?
  46. How do you flirt with someone you fancy?
  47. What are you most looking forward to in your future?
  48. Which ambiance attracts you the most?
  49. Who are you at your school?
  50. What are you willing to do for the ones you care about most in the world?
  51. A big test is coming up. How do you plan to prepare?
  52. You wake one morning and find that you are sick. How do you respond?
  53. You were walking along in Hogsmeade with your mates when you spotted someone snatching a woman's purse and running off. The woman let out a cry for help. What do you do?
  54. You notice a professor wrongfully bullying a particular student. What do you do?
  55. During Care of Magical Creatures, a cute little fur ball of an animal starts clinging to your leg and refuses to let go. How do you respond?
  56. A fist fight has broken out in one of the halls at Hogwarts! You have just stumbled upon it...what do you do?
  57. Part 1: Oh no! You and your friends are being chased by a dark wizard! What do you do?
  58. Part 2: The dark wizard has all of you cornered! What do you do?
  59. If Death Eaters threatened your life in order for you to join them, would you comply?
  60. And of course, the Sorting Hat takes into account your preferences. Which house do YOU wish to be a part of?

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