Rangers Apprentice Quiz: What Character Are You?

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I'm a Ranger's Apprentice fan and I hope you like this quiz. I made it as realistic as I possibly can. Even if this quiz doesn't have the correct answer, this quiz is just just for fun.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the quiz! As you might know, my favorite character is Halt. Which is your favorite character? (Sorry, I ramble) But I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of Ranger's Apprentice so I tried to make this as realistic as possible.

Created by: Bella
  1. What gender are you?
  2. Do you like coffee?
  3. What mood are you normally in?
  4. What is your favorite hobby?
  5. What gender are you?
  6. Can you climb well?
  7. Are you a planner or a doer?
  8. What natural ability do you have?
  9. What do you do in your spare time?
  10. Do you use sarcasm?

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