Randy Orton quiz

Are you a true Randy Orton fan? Try this quiz, if you find it easy to get one-hundred percent then you then contact me and I will make a harder one! But some people find this pretty hardy, so I don't expect to many emails!

If you do bad then I don't blame you, there isn't many Randy Orton super-fans in the world! Maybe you oculd get in contact with me and request an esier one!

Created by: Holly of www.hollyh41.piczo.com
(your link here more info)
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is Randy Orton's birthday?
  2. How old was he when he won the world heavyweight championship and was he the youngest champ ever?
  3. What is his middle name?
  4. What colour are his eyes?
  5. Did he win at Summerslam 2007?
  6. How old will Randy be in the year 3000
  7. What did Randy do before becoming a wrestler?
  8. What is his Fathers full name?
  9. Where was he born?
  10. Where was he raised?

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