as the title says this is a random quiz for random people so take it if you think this quiz looks easy and good luck to you! if you were wondering i am not a dude i am a girl so that has nothing to do with anything but hey why not you know?!

well since your still reading this i guess you shoul know that I have no idea what british vampires are sorry trying to be random because this is after all a random quiz so good luck and may the force of ponies be with you lol

Created by: pony
  1. pew!
  2. i'd like to be a tree
  4. mrrrp?
  5. what do cows drink
  6. what does SWAG mean?
  8. 20% cooler!
  9. ♪dead skunk in the middle of the road!♪
  10. 3 cows 5 dogs 6 cats 2 fish therupdederp?!
  11. hi
  12. ok i know this stunk. did you?

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