Could you be my best friend?

Are you bored? Wondering if you can be some random cyber kid's best friend? Well then this is the quiz defiantly for you. Before you even start to take this test, you must ask yourself if you think you have a strange and unique mind. If you do, I suggest clicking on this quiz.

Could you possibly achieve the supreme goal of being some random kid's BEST friend? Only one out of everybody I know has achieved this title. Give it your best shot, and if you are even vaguely normal, I suggest you click the "X" at the top right part of your screen.

Created by: Izzy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What was something that once came up in conversation? It can be something like these, and you would be the one saying this.
  2. If you do write stories, what are they mostly about?
  3. Would a flying camel easily occur in an email to a friend? (do you talk about flying camels?)
  4. Would you consider doing extreme physical exercise such as military training?
  5. Do you Google strange things such as self cannibalism?
  6. Can you climb trees -- do you enjoy climbing trees?
  7. How about that movie starring Tom Cruise?
  8. Have you ever heard of Soul Eater
  9. If you had one word to describe yourself it would be...
  10. For my final question, I must ask you if you have a sense of humor that is extremely sophisticated (but hilarious) and is focused on mostly inside jokes.

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