


Created by: potato
  1. what is the in game currency for roblox?
  2. so, if jimmy has three freinds.if he cuts a pie in threes....will each one have a slice?
  3. so,matter waterlog riverpunk fish leg sandwiches and and mayonayse. what is the right answer?
  4. potato boy!
  5. MothyWeeErLang is the ___________________
  6. *jumps off le cliff of d00m!*
  7. when nothing goes right...
  8. noobs are noobs.
  9. how meny kweshinz haz u dun dun fun?
  10. how are many videos loops does dantdm published?
  11. 11
  12. 1222
  13. passwrd
  14. you wake up to find that you are in the middle of the sahara. what do u do????????????
  15. which is a good way do explain death in one word?
  16. bai

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