
This quiz IS NOT FOR SENSITAVE PEOPLE!!!! don't say we didn't warn you. This quiz may hurt your feelings and make you cry. DO DOT DO THIS QUIZ IF YOU ARE SUICIDAL..Don't say we didn't warn you....

Please be honest .. not like i care but if u truly want to know your destiny..NOW TAKE THE DAMN QUIZ.. and don't be shocked at the results :) ok have fun.. and remember this quiz is the most accurate youll find ;)

Created by: ilona
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long do you spend at the mirror before going out?
  2. How/when do you study?
  3. I have friends
  4. Am i ugly?
  5. Dating
  6. do u cheat on a bf/gr?
  7. wats ur fave thing to do?
  8. style
  9. FINALLY... wat is you luck number closer to?
  10. NO A FEW MORE... wat is your fave color

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