Random Trivia Questions

Answer These Trivia Questions. Some Are Easier Than Others. They Will Get Harder As You go Along. If you Do Not Know An Answer But You Want To Guess, There Is An IDK Answer.

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Created by: Al
  1. How Many Months Have 28 Days?
  2. Name the number that is three more than one-fifth of one-tenth of one-half of 5,000.
  3. Two people are standing back to back. They each walk away from each other for three feet. Then they both turn left and walk for another four feet, and then stop. Now, how many feet apart are they standing?
  4. How Has The Statue Of Liberty Changed??
  5. is this hard
  6. A man living in a one story house had pink everything. pink walls pink stairs and a pink kitchen. what color were the stairs
  7. what letter of the alaphbet is always the wettest??
  8. photograph how do you spell it
  9. What always ends everything?
  10. If April Showers Bring May Flowers, What do May Flowers Bring??
  11. Davids Father Has 3 Sons Snap Crackle And What
  12. What Room Do Ghosts Avoid
  13. When Is A Doctor Most Annoyed?
  14. When Is It Bad Luck To See A Black Cat
  15. What Do Elfs Learn In School

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